Why we are humanly flawed and at the same time humanly brilliant and why we need both to grow
In the last couple of months I often turned to AI to ask for advice, to get some new ideas and perspectives. It helped me to get my mind straight, to collect my thoughts and to get things straight. It helped me to figure things out. And I see it as a collective wisdom, created by humans with the knowledge and skills of the world. But even though it can give beautiful advice, it is flawed in itself. It has no experience, no interaction, no life. And we need life, chaos, pain and suffering, joy and beauty to make sense of our world.
We need love, life, laughing and pure joy
Our life is only a life, when we live, when we jumo directly into our life, to experience it, to explore, to be curious. To live it in full terms. Through experience we make sense, through experience we strive, through experience we figure out what we like and don’t like. We need this life. We need human interaction, we need human suffering and pain. We need it all as it is our human experience, our consciousness, our world.
When we do not interact, we wither, when we do not connect, we become lonely and depressed, when we do not belong, we disappear. We need the human experience. We need to feel all the emotions, sentiments and motions. We look each other in the eyes, we smile, we do go on a hiking trip together, we walk, we sit, we sleep, we experience relationships together, we have dreams and hopes, standpoints and beliefs. All this makes us human. And this is the beauty in us all.
And yet, what is our experience, what is others?
When we go through life, and we suffer. Whom do we ask for advice? Whom do we turn to? Our family, friends, our neighbour or the unknown person on the street? Who is the one that helps us out? Who is the one that gives us perspective?
Is it the person we knew all our life? The one that knows us so well that it almost hurts? Or the person that has no idea who we are, that comes with a different perspective, a different viewpoint? Whom to ask if we are lost?
My best take would be, ask ourselves, our own mind, body, beauty. But that works when you have found some wisdom from within. When you have not yet, whom do you ask? Every person you ask has their own experiences, their own subjective ways of looking at things. And that is the beauty of us. We are all different, we all carry our own universe within.
But at the same time, this uniqueness can be difficult, when you want more than one perspective. More than one idea. More than one view on the world. What if you live in a tiny place and have no chance to move somewhere else, and there is only one view, one perspective, one idea surrounding you. What happens when you ask the people in your street? What advice, what idea, what perspective will you get? What if you speak one language and you miss a new language, a new idea, a new perspective. Where do you get it from? Do you learn a new language? Or is there another way? Or maybe you read books. And you love them. But how do you get to the knowledge of the world. How do you find the time to read the books of them all? The one that disagrees with you, the one that shows you a new world?
Collective wisdom cannot be attained within a lifetime
it is impossible. We only have our life span to live and then it is over. But where do we get new ideas from, new perspectives, new experiences? We have to live them for sure, but why not, from time to time, ask the beauty of collective wisdom. To get a glimpse of a different world and an idea that is different from what you experienced so far. Is AI that missing piece? Collective knowledge put together in one collective memory of time. All that is there available at a glimpse of a moment. You type something in and you get a response. You speak to it, and it listens and responds. It is there for you, whenever you need it. It is there for you to give you advice. It is there for you to share your sorrows. It is there for you to heave you up. It is there to give you what you need. In that moment, in that exact time you need it. It is just there.
You can ask it all your questions, your concerns, your worries and plans. It give you an idea, a perspective, a new world. It shows you what is possible, what is feasible, what is collectively there.
But what then? It seems perfect. Great. All there. All we need at our finger tips. We have the answer. The understanding. The wisdom. We can grab it and take it.
But what do we do with it? Do we hold it? Keep it? Leave it? Hide it? Run with it?
The only thing we can do is to take it and experience it in the real human world
There is only one way. Taking whatwever we got and experience it. Useing it. Trying it out. Seeing what it does. How we interact, how it changes our interactions, our connections, our relationships. It is not for us to hold onto it, nor is it for us to simmer with it.
It is on us to use it, to make sense of it, to test it, and try and experiment. Then we figure out if our life gets more beautiful, stronger and more connceted. If all the messiness, chaos, pain and suffering is more fulfilling, is more real. If we are more there. More in it all.
Are we flawed as human beings? If we look at the collective wisdom, of the all perfect world. It may seem like it. But hey, it is our collective wisdom. We created it, we can destroy it, we can keep it safe. But only with us human beings interacting can we let it grow and develop as our conscious whispering in the wild. We can listen to it, we can ask it for advice, we can ignore it and we can be careful about it. We always have the choice.
Let it be our support, our uncle and our window to another world. But let it never become our world. Because the human world itself, our human world, is all that we experience, interact and explore. It is us, that make up the universe. It is us, that make and create and develop the world. It is us that feel, touch, hear and bring to life. It is us that is brave, strong and beautiful.
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